Project Makeup Low Buy 2016

          Hey, guys! Welcome to my blog. :) For today's post, I will talking about my Project Makeup Low Buy for 2016. This year, I'm planning to minimize my makeup shopping because it's not good for my savings and I need to finish a lot of products. Haha! I have recently posted my Products I Want To Use Up in 2016 and Pan That Palette Challenge 2016 which will be collaborated with this project. The reason why didn't mention any rules on those challenges is that because I wanted to dedicated a whole blog post for my makeup purchases this year.

        I have been a consumer and shopper of makeup for almost 7 years now. I started wearing makeup during my third year in college.  During those days, I have applied horribly makeup on my face; thick layer of face products, uneven eyebrows, not-so-nice eyeliner, undefined eye looks, and a lot more. Haha! Anyways, I have accumulated a lot products during that specific time and even spent my allowance more on buying than anything else. It was crazy.

           Today, I have realized that I don't need to be a hoarder (sorry for the term) just like everybody else. I know that collecting makeup is a good feeling for most gals, but I don't see the point of buying those products then just let them be expired without even using them. Do you get my point, guys? I mean it's like wasting your money instead of saving. I don't need to have 10 foundations, 20 concealers, 14 mascaras, 50 lip products at the same time, right? I'm not even a makeup artist. If I don't like a product, I still use it or give it to somebody else. In that case, the money I spent on buying makeup will not go in to the garbage. Okay, enough of the ranting. :)

            For this particular project, here are my terms and conditions:

  1. I'm allowed to but only 1 makeup product per month. 
  2. If there are sales going on, I will allow my self to buy 2 products.
  3. Mascaras are exempted to this project project because I only buy one at a time. 
  4. I will allow myself to have makeup shopping spree on my birthday.
  5. I will show you the makeup item/s I bought for the month and should do a review on it.
  6. At the end of the year, I will do a wrap-up of all the reviews I made and tell you what are the items that I have loved a lot.
        The goals for this challenge are to minimize my makeup shopping, buy some really good makeup brushes, save money, and use up products I already have. I am committing my self to this challenge this year and I will try my very best to keep my promise. I will be honest; I'll show all the makeup I bought and post them.

           If you decided to do this project as well, please let us know by leaving a comment down below or tweet me. I wanna see your version of this guys. :) I hope you find this project inspirational as I find it really encouraging. Haha! Thank you so much for reading my long ranting. I'll talk to you later. Have a nice day! Stay safe. XOXO


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