What's In My Bag?: Work/Graduate School Edition

         Hi! Did you miss me? :) I know, I know. I have been gone for too long again. I'm sorry, I really do. I have been busy with school and work. As always. Since it's officially Summer here in the Philippines, I can blog regularly. Yay! I'm free whatever I want to do since school is off. I didn't enroll in any Summer classes because I want to focus on this blog. The past month was a cray-cray; fun at the same time miserable. I have cried at work, my head ached so bad because if school works. I thought I'll go crazy. Haha! 

        Actually, I was supposed to post this last month. Due to my hectic schedule, I wasn't able to do so. Anyways, this red satchel is from Secosana which I bought last year January. This is the bag I am using at the moment. What I love about this particular bag is that it matches with any outfit, appropriate for many setups, and is conveniently roomy. It has a nice quality except for the zipper. I attached a monkey key chain to make a substitute zipper. 

What's Inside?

  • Card Holder with Cards

        I don't put cards on my wallet. I feel secured when they are apart. I got a pay card, ATM Card, Timezone (gaming arcade) load card, HBC Loyalty Card, BDO Rewards Card and Laking National Card. 

  • Mini pouch for earphones and pens

      I keep my pens and earphones in a pouch because I don't like them scrambled on my bag. 

  • Beauty Bag

         I bring toothbrush and stock a toothpaste on work to keep my breath fresh after eating lunch. I talk to a lot of people everyday so it's extremely necessary to brush my teeth. Haha! I also carry around with me various shades of lipsticks and lip glosses, lip conditioner, eyeshadow palette, blush palette, pressed powder, lip liner, eyeliner and makeup brushes. 

  • MP3 Player

      I love listening to music. My day does not feel complete without listening to music. :)

  • Planner/Logbook

      Every busy person needs to have this. It's always nice to log your tasks done and plan ahead to keep you on track. At times, we tend to forget what we have done on the past. 

  • Notebook and notes

      To write down my assignments and outputs that needs to be passed. We don't have books because our professors has diverse resources. We only have hand outs.  
  • Cologne and alcohol

      To make me smell good and sanitized all day long. 

  • Wallet

      To keep my money in place and store my IDs. I forgot to take a photo of my wallet. Haha! 

       Did you like this post? Please suggest more topics because I'm running out. Haha! :) I really really want to blog makeup tutorials but I don't have a HQ camera. That's my big dilema actually. I hope I can save up and buy a DSLR one. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. I'll try to answer as soon as I can. Wish me luck. I hope you're having a great. Talk to you soon. Stay safe. XOXO


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