Pan That Palette 2016 Update # 2

          Ola, people of the world! :)   I'm back for an another update of my Pan That Palette 2016. Unlike last year, I'm determined to hit pan on all of these shadows because I don't want them to go bad without giving them some love. I have this palette since December 2013 and I feel like I have not used them a lot back then. This is the AVON The Greens Eyeshadow Palette, which actually makes my brown eyes rock. This was the same palette I have used on my Pan That Palette Challenge 2015; this palette was almost full when I started the challenge last year. I have hit pan on 2 shadows last year; the shades 5 and 8, which were kind of the only shadows I gave my full attention last year. 

           My sasaran on February was to hit pan shades 2 and 6, as I have said on my last update. Guess what? I've hit the pan on those two shades! OMG! This is so exciting! I was not able to have an update on March because busy with everything -- work and Graduate School. Anyways, I'm giving my update now. If you are interested on my update, just keep on reading. :)

P.S. 1st column is for the intro, 2nd column is for the 1st update, and 3rd column is for this update.

         Shade 1: I have working on this shade for quite some time now. I always use a pencil brush to dig into this shadow; I use this regularly on the inner corners of my eyes, but it seems to take forever to reach the bottom. As you can see on third column, I have a deeper dip compared to my intro post and 1st update. I have feeling that I will hit pan on this soon.

          Shade 2: I've hit pan on this gold shadow! Yay! I remember mentioning before that this eyeshadow is flaky and chunky and it really it is. The solution I have come up with is to spray face mist on the eyeshadow brush before putting it into my eyes. It serves as glue for the misbehaved eyeshadow like this. I like using this on top of my lids; it makes my eyes pop and awake.

          Shade 3: A light mint green shade that doesn't have a good color payoff. This is the least used eyeshadow in this palette; It shows paler on the eyelids, which kind of annoying. I would love to use this green color daily, but it doesn't do well on the eyes. I have just found out that this looks better with a green base underneath. I used this on an event a few weeks ago and I loved it. I will use the technique again so I could hit the pan on this by the end of December.

          Shade 4: I use this on my outer corner sometimes, and lower lash line sometimes. This is a strong color so I don't use this all over my lids. Maybe I'll do a green smokey look someday and I could use this eyeshadow on my entire lids. There's a dip going on there so I'll just keep up my work. Who knows, maybe I'll hit pan this sooner that I think.

          Shade 5: I only use this when I in a hurry and I don't know what eyeshadow to put on. There's not a lot going on here since I'm focusing on the other shadows that I haven't hit pan on yet.

          Shade 6: Hooray! Another hit pan on! I've hit the bottom on February, if you are wondering. I used this mainly on my outer-v for a nice green accent on my eyes. The color combination I had on February was great; but since I have hit pan on my targets, I moved on to other shadows because I have a lot of eyeshadows included on my projects this year. Anyways, I'm so happy I've hit the pan on this eyeshadow. :)

          Shade 7: There's not a lot going on this eyeshadow also. I use this sometimes on my outer-v, if I want a blue accent on my eye looks. I also use this on my lower lash line to give my eye looks a nice effect. I hope to have a good use of this teal shadow this Summer; it's the most appropriate season to use this eyeshadow. I hope I could make this toned down whenever I'll use this when I'm on work. :)

          Shade 8: Just like the two other shades, there's not a lot going on this eyeshadow. I've already hit pan this so I'm not really that interested in shadows. Since I have a neutral palette that I'm working to use up this year, I'll focus on that one. The palette have 3 brown shades. I'm pulling away my self from this eyeshadow so I could be done with palette I just mentioned. 

          Here's collage showing the progress I made since my introduction post. As you can see, I've made some significant progress. You can see some dents and pans. I hope I can make this project successful this year.

           That's my update for March. I'll do another update on the last week of April. I hope you stay tuned for that. For my next targets; 1.)I'd like to hit pan on Shade 1, 2.) denting on Shade 7 deeper, and 3.) flatter surface on Shade 5. If you are doing this challenge too, please share with me your post or video so I could check on them. A comment is always appreciated and responded. I love talking to my visitors and readers. I hope you liked this post. Thank you so much for reading. I'll talk to you again. Have a nice day. Stay safe. XOXO

Introduction post:  Pan That Palette Challenge 2016: A Continuation  
Update Number 1: Pan That Palette Challenge 2016 Update #1


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