First Impressions Review: Careline Oil Control Liquid Makeup (February Item)

          Careline is a local beauty merk selling makeup items, colognes and some other related products which targets the teenage girls. I think the philosophy of this merk to provide fresh looking makeup for the young ones. I appreciate the merk for its simplicity; a simple makeup look is what a teenager needs. ;) 

              I'm currently doing a challenge, the Project Makeup Low Buy 2016, which aims to minimize my accumulation of makeup products for 2016 as I have been uncontrollable last year. I am allowing myself to buy a maximum of 2 makeup items per month and do a review on them. :) Last Monday, as I was roaming around at the grocery, I browsed on the makeup displays that they have. I came across this Careline Oil Control Liquid Make-up which pretty much look like a liquid foundation. The main reason I bought this was because it claims to be "oil-control" makeup; I have an oily skin and need of light foundation for everyday use so I got this. I have actually saved this one for a "First Impressions" review type of post because I wanted to share with you what will be my experience in trying this product for the first time. If you are interested, just keep on reading. :)

          We should actually see what composes this products before I tell you my experience. Looking above, you could tell that this has Dimethicone, Talc, and Parabens; harsh chemicals that causes harm on the skin and health in general which could be found on most makeup products. Uh uh, that's not good, especially for teens. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

          Now, let's see what this product claims. It claims to be absorbing excess oil all through the day and has a light weight texture. That sounds good, right? A light weight makeup that absorbs oil; a 2-in1 product for only Php 90! Have you noticed that little opened jar which has 24M on it? That indicates how long this product will stay fresh after you have opened it. 24 months isn't bad at all, eh?

          The nicest thing about this product is the tube packaging with cupcake decorations on the outside. This is one of the most hygienic and neatest type of packaging on my opinion. 

          I attended my class at the Graduate School today and I decided to try this product today. I have applied this product alone on my face because I wanted to see if this will really absorb the oil all through out the day even without setting it with a powder. The smell is okay though; it has that kind of light sweet vanilla scent. 

          6:50 AM: I have just finished applying makeup on my face. I still have to eat so I don't have lipstick on these first two pictures yet. We can see here that this just barely covered my under eye dark circles and pores. I didn't set this with a powder, as I have a while ago, and it has a little bit of moisture going on my face which I didn't like at all. It made me feel uncomfortable.

          8:50 AM: My face was so oily and it felt so sticky. I don't like this at all. I REPEAT, I DON'T LIKE THIS AT ALL. It has only been 2 hours since I have put this on foundation and my face was already oily. Where was the "absorbs excess oil all through the day part?" Ugh. My face looked so greasy! Noooooo. I have touched up my face because I couldn't take the feeling of having too oily face.

            10:25 AM: I was already back at home because my professor just updated us with the changes on her course requirements. I think I only stayed on the school for like an hour. Haha! Anyways, I have taken another selfie when I got home. You can see some shine peeking through, including those blemishes. My face felt so greasy again. I mean, I have only touched up almost two hours ago and here comes the uncomfortable feeling again. I washed my face after I took this picture because I didn't want this on my face anymore. 

               That was my experience on the first try of this product. I cannot tell yet if this isn't worth the money or not; I still need to use this a few times more before I can give you my verdict. I can tell you pros and cons though;

  • Affordable - It's only 90 Pesos
  • Light weight and blendable - You can use your fingers 
  • Good for people with normal to dry skin - It has a moisturizing feel
  • Has Vitamin E - Yay, vitamin for the skin
  • Packaging - Practical and hygienic
  • Shade - looks natural on light yellow skin
  • No SPF - Damn, please give this product some SPF
  • Low coverage for blemishes and under eye dark circles
  • Doesn't control oil at all
  • Give a greasy, sticky feeling on the skin
  • Not good for summer
  • Ingredients have harmful chemicals
My First Impression: Doesn't do what it claims.

           That's my first thoughts about this product. Do you like this type posts? Do you have any review requests or product recommendations? Please let me know by leaving a comment down below. I will update you about this product if I have tested this enough and see what really this one does. Thank you so much for ready. If you like my blog, you can always follow to keep updated. I will talk to you soon. Have a nice day. Stay safe. XOXO


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